Friday, April 10, 2009

Long time, no cribs. Well, Baille left the institute, Sayan very busy as a coass- and about me, there is nothing meta that took priority in this long gap. But this time, I would like to crib- more out of helplessness; I am not going to inspire anybody by presenting my case here, but I'll just let my frustration go away. Anyways, for the big guys who sit in DISCO's and who take decisions, how do my views matter? They are big guys after all, who want to prove their might by punishing the people who donot have the right to speak, the dumb ones- I mean. Apparently they are legally eligible to do so. Big guys, again- who cares about legality and eligibility. Big guys, again and again- logic and justness, huh- just forget it.

Let us go back to taking my frustration away. A humble beginning in this direction would be to call these 'Big guys', idiots- really big idiots. So ladies and gentlemen- let us begin the story:

Once upon a time there were four males, lets call them D1, D2, D3 and D4 because they were all dumb and didnot have voices that somebody would care to listen to. All of them along with a female lead in the story, were traveling in a train. A bit of qualification to the train, it is an Indian train in which there is no distinction between female toilets and male toilets.

Now the interesting part. Female lead L, went inside the bathroom and locked it, or may be she forgot to lock it. How does it matter? Let us not play the blame game of blaming L for not ensuring that her bathroom door was closed. At that time, D1, D2 wanted to pee and D3 was somewhere near the door. Very coincidentally they found out that the bathroom door was open. This was their first mistake. No problem- we can put the entire blame on D1, D2 and D3 because they are dumb and they are males! They went back to their seats and told their finding to the very closest of their friends. This was their second mistake. They should have acted not-human and suppressed their tendency of sharing it with good friends. Because gossip mongering, I suppose is a human tendency and I swear by God that people who taught me professional ethics (the science of it, I mean) told me that rumors spread fast.Apparentely it's proved and all. If you donot believe me please contact Dr.Sreekumar. So let us rephrase their second mistake: being the pioneering 'spreaders' of the rumor.

So why is D4 dumb then? What was his mistake? Well, he along with D5 to DN (all less important characters) was a part of a game in which friends sing songs to generally mock the behavior/characteristics of other friends- all male. Our female lead 'felt' they were mocking her. Shh...before you could reach any conclusion- it is not at all her fault. Why should these people sing songs which indicated an extremely unlikely possibility, nevertheless a possibility, of her being mocked? Ofcourse, it was D4's mistake.Tomorrow if the girl dreams that she is going to be stabbed by D4, he needs to be jailed. She 'dreamt' she's going to be stabbed. It is far beyond doubt, a great threat to her life.

This girl complained to the big idiots and the case has been registered under 'sexual harassment'. Btw, 'sexual harassment' is a phrase in some native African language, that has a deep meaning attached to it, and all the above mentioned mistakes qualify as 'sexual harassment'.

As already said, this is the chance for the big idiots to prove their might. Ofcourse they donot have the balls to speak out on some real issue of sexual harassment- incase it happens somewhere. But here they need to deliver a judgment, that should set a precedent for the non-repetition of such incidents. So, they conducted a disco, a biased one. Our female lead complained to the disco some 1 week after these incidents have happened. So the big idiots have assumed D1-D4 would have really troubled the female lead all throughout this week- actually adhering to the english sense of the word ' harassment'. Well, idiotic assumptions and rumors in their case is justifiable. It's after all, human nature! The bias began much before the hearing. For some strange reason, the burden of proof was on the dumb people. Just that they didnot know what they needed to prove; rather disprove.

Well, the twist in the story comes here. Our female lead is ofcourse smarter than the dumb guys. Perhaps that's what I meant by calling them dumb. She copied in an exam and adeptly got away with it. The dumb guys were too dumb or perhaps too altruistic to grab their chance, and they will wait throughout their lives for the female lead to realise their altruism- reestablishing their dumbness. Ofcourse smarter mistakes and the smarter ones go unpunished. The dumber ones compensate for them. There is by the way a law of conservation of punishments, especially those given by such DISCO's.

The judgement will come soon. The idiots know that IIT students follow Gandhian way of protest, perhaps blogging like this, and are too weak to beat them up, unlike in other local colleges. Gandhian ways obviously donot impact adamant egoistic fools. They are legally eligible to mess up with people's lives on the name of creating precedents.

And hence, I rest my case here.