Thursday, March 13, 2008

Finally the META TRIP is over. The much awaited event for an institute metallurgist, the paid holiday, the booze carnival, the meta-bonding not to mention the educational trip got over. Was it fun? Hell yes. And for all those who were busy getting their cousins to marry or working on their vote banks or the most stupid of them all, busy with the “over” burden of courses, I wish I could say this trip could have been more fun if you were there too. But sorry guys, I am just not the kind of guy who fibs to make a few little happy. And to juniors remember 'There is no such thing called free booze'

Here we post a few pics of the trip ...

and the trippy ones

And the one not from the trip but mafia was warned not to post pre-elections ..tada


At 7:37 PM, Blogger jimmy said...

Confession: I missed it!!
And the last one, brilliant!

At 10:31 PM, Blogger Ninad said...

hey which trip was this ??was it only for final year junta [:(] ?


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