Saturday, June 16, 2007

The kingdom of Aiaitee flourished on the banks of river Daryaa, during the nanolithic age.The subjects of the kingdom were exposed to novel concepts like democracy, fraternity, freedom so on and so for. There were also divisions and subdivisions in the society, owing to its huge size.The people could be broadly classified into two communities: Taff and Tudent, Taff being the more privileged section. Privileged meaning, their voice would ultimately prevail in any decision making. People in other kingdoms used to envy these, looking at their prosperity. They wanted to emulate these people in any respect. Aiaiteeans, as their society may be called, was an ideal society.They were rich in business, science,technology, sports, entertainment, and above all brains and muscles.The birth of a new idea or a concept or a game or a strategy could be traced back to this kingdom.
The subdivisions of the tudent community were based on their geography and intellectual capacity. Geography as a factor, the community was divided into 16 provinces, and intellectual capacity as a factor, the division was into 16 classes again. People used to show greater patriotism towards their province than towards their class. However, people of the Tema class stood as an exception for this. The diversity among the Temakars was obvious. They had the giants to protect their class from external intrusions, they had cute little tiny people. They had the literary pundits who represent the kingdom, they had people who can sing for the kingdom, they had people who can play and they had the most influential people in the kingdom. With such a diversity, they all were really chauvinistic. Ask them,' who are you'; the reply would be 'I am a Temakar (to be read as meta rocks)'
The administration in the kingdom demonstrated a perfect example of a federal fabric. So, in this regard, once upon a time, elections were being conducted to the various classes. People would elect their leader, though a secret ballot; actually a technologically advanced secret ballot called the 'Moctuperised secret ballot.' Elections were perhaps the only time when the temkars show some split up; for it is a natural human tendency of conceit dominating the feeling of unity. So, the time had come for the temakars to choose their leader, popularly called a councillor, for he would be a member of the tudent representative council.Almost everybody thought they were eligible for the post, and hence wanted to file their nomination. But this was the time when a bunch of good samaritans who have grouped themselves as the tema amafi (meaning the protectors of tema in a local indian language called creeta) had to come into the action. They were there to ensure the sanctity of the class. They were there to ensure that people donot deviate from the very principles which the class symbolises. Their ways were non violent. They were Gandhians. Their involvement, boiled down the number of contestants to three, the giant and the other one and the other other one; two of them from a province by name Patati and the other one from Maaja. One of them had the credentials of working on the commercial aspects of the class' development. The other one had had the credentials of having extensively worked on the technical aspects of the class' development. The other other one, because of his gargantuan size was one of the two pillars of the class' security.
So, there promised an interesting battle on cards, purely democratic and completely in the purview of the tema's principles. The tema amafi was a neutral spectator, though individually the members had some opinions. Then started politics. One of them claimed he was the best, the other one said the other one may be the best but this one was the god.Another one ruled out these claims saying those two were blowhards. Everybody wanted the support of the tema amafi. One of them who didnot want a competition, as he claimed, wanted the other two withdraw their nominations. Being in the same province as that of the kingdom's political bigwigs, the pamaris, he didnot want to waste a chance. The Pamari factor is a huge political factor in the kingdom. People who garner the support from the pamari group would definitely win the election. The pamaris obliged and guaranteed their help to this one. Consequence being an immediate withdrawal of the nomination of the other Patati contestant. The tema amafi was a silent spectator. It was watching the happenings. 'He is a compliant person. Having got carried away by the provincial patriotism he declined to contest against me,'said the other one.The tema amafi recorded this statement. It guessed it all, though. So, the other one had one more job to do. Make the other other one, withdraw the nomination. Some trials have been made, and the other other one complained to the tema amafi that the other one in an informal meeting of horse trading said he was useless and anyway going to lose the elections. But the latter didnot want to take a chance, hence wanted this one to withdraw. The amafi recorded this statement too.'If these are true, they are ridiculous bugaboos. Be defiant. You are eligible to contest decided the amafi', said the amafi.
The manifestos have been made and the contestants started reading them out. While one of them was too shy to speak out his credentials, the other one was too banal in his speech. 'If he is so shy to speak out about himself, how can he represent the class?' said the people about the other one; and about the other other one, 'Not really efficient', these ones being too less in number compared to the other ones. It is all a number game and finally ended in 97-27, the pamari factor definitely showing it influence. As a matter of trivia, the factor also had shown its pronounced effect on the prospects of a member of amafi, who contested in the elections to the tudent community as such; for the amafi didnot take any sides and didnot heed to the pamari's pressures.
And then came the good days when the temas again stood as an icon for unity; whence the councillor announced that the portfolio for foreign trade, a very important post indeed, would go to the other other other one who had to forfeit the councillor post because of provincial patriotism. Yes, the amafi guessed it.

Disclaimer: The meta mafia doesnot claim any responsibility in case the readers decipher this post and understand it completely.
Credits: This post was inspired by a certain anonymous' (whom the writer knows) article on the insti elections to 'Sabre', the official narmad magazine in the academic year 2004-'05.


At 10:49 AM, Blogger Makam said...

Jimmy and Bhaand seem to draw inspiration from each other! :P

Nice post..Good play on words too! :)

At 11:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey this story is very nice with good work on words... But it seems quite biased as writer didn't even bother to give a name to "other one" and "other other one". And its fact that giant has always been quite close to amafi group so question of this story being fair does not arises. There is another part of story... which has not been revealed....

At 10:18 PM, Blogger Sayan said...

a sequel. we want a sequel.
come on anonymous guy....

At 9:44 PM, Blogger it's baille said...

nice one..nice a play with the words i say..and full consensus with anony dude...we want to hear the a tale of other side coin i say..please write your pumping engine(heart i say) out..after all that is what a this is place for..waiting for a big size comment this time with full story..i sign off i say


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