Tuesday, October 09, 2007

The professors want to call it a student mutiny. But, the mafia calls it 'the first war for justice'. A war between ego and enthusiasm, callousness and human rights, tyranny and freedom. The ways of the mutiny were Gandhian. But who had ever expected the professors to be worse tyrants than the white men who ruled us 60 years ago? Who had expected the role of the ego factor, a natural consequence of the doctorate degree, in the incidents to follow.
The mafia said 'why not make the allotment as it was all along the previous years?' The tyrant said 'I am the tyrant. I make my rules.' His sycophants started digging out for logic in the decision. The students pleaded:'Take our interests into consideration', thus exposing the big hollow in the so-called research interests of the tyrant and his sycophants. This boosted the ego factor of the professors. They said ' Screw the subjects. They have insulted us.' The subjects had no other way to go but to voice out the protest and protest. This resulted in all the more improvement in the ego factor of the tyrant and his boot-lickers. The students said, 'We didnot mean to hurt you. We just wanted to say we are against your policies.' This further enraged them. But this time they resorted to thinking. History proved that Gandhian ways have always yielded results. The tyrant and his sycophants wanted to water the mutiny. They played the divide and rule game. They said 'we will allow for horse trading.' This split up the students as self-interests come before the community interests or long term interests. Slowly, the yielding began. The revolt shattered. The repressed souls compromised. History also proved that the divide and rule policy never failed. The rebellion was watered.
As if what happened was not enough, there followed an aftermath, like how Germany had to sign treaties after losing world war 1. The professors played 'offense is the best defence' game. They started reading the interest coefficients of the students in terms of the delay made in starting the project (as though they were not a party to it) and embarrassed them. The students ,now under the complete mercy of the professors, could say nothing. The sycophants blamed the students, turning their bravery in fighting injustice as something illegal. One of the aged boot-lickers commented,'he had never seen a batch as fussy as this one in his experience of 40 years, again subtly shirking his and his colleagues' responsibility in the fuss that happened.'
Ultimate result: Ego won over enthusiasm, indeed killed it and filled it with apathy. And, then there were novel discussions about, why is there an increasing apathy towards the branch. Funny, isn't it?
However, a few facts remain and even the professors know them(though they never accept them).
1.Horizons of the department expand, not merely by changing its name.
2. Interest in something needs to be created, not enforced.
3. It may be good to the society if atleast sometimes the preachers of the Bhagavad Gita and Art of Living, try to follow them.
4. If E.Chaitanya lost his interest to app, if Shanti hated the department all the more, if Tingtong gave up on the department, if more than 60% of the students are not apping in a dept with nice app prospects, it is thanks to our dear professors.


At 9:44 PM, Blogger Sayan said...


At 11:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

who is shanti??

At 12:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

shanti..shanti shantanu mudgal..shanti shantanu mudgal mm04b024..shanti shantanu mudgal mm04b024 godav hostel..


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