Saturday, January 20, 2007


“Great sayings are the ideas and tools that have helped many human beings reach their best lives and many organizations get to the world class.” Said the great.

Lets talk about the quoted quotes of meta, words that we should remember for the rest of our lives, words we will never forget, words that came from the notorious of the teaching staff, the non teaching staff and of course the sleeping staff.

“Imagine an imaginary line on an imaginary plane” – Placid Rodriguez.

“Fusion is essential but not necessary” –Gooohaa

“To solve this is the metallurgist’s dream” – Prasanna Kumar, when the entire class was sleeping (and dreaming)

“All cocking coals are caking coals” – Hori koomar

“Life is quiet painful this way, to make our lives simple, we will solve this using cylindrical coordinates” – Phani kumar

“Add drop form??...what is that for?” – Dept. office

“All the professors are conspiring against me” – Prof. aka sayan

“Why can’t they just give me a degree and send me out of this place” – Shanti

“Macha, lets have musical tambola for amalgam” – Dasa

“He is in the hospital sir, kind of serious” –Theory aka Anubhav in almost every class

“Should I or not should I” –Anonymous

“Go to the bogs and try peeing next to your professor. You will know what working under pressure is.” – Oscar Wilde.


History is replete with examples of the strong assaulting the weak. Its when the weak reply in kind that we have the great chapters of history written. So with these uncharacteristically heavy words, we begin our journey towards yet another great exercise in joblessness. The Meta Mafia strikes back!

What are going to do here? The naïve asks.

We report all those tiny incidents which ought to be discussed but never are.

We protest for we love protesting.

We criticize. We excel in that.

It’s just an ego feeding mechanism. Anyone expecting “solutions” to problems kindly refer Wiki.

Lets the mud-slinging begin!!